© Jenifer Jurden, LLC 2009. Jurdy &Jurdy Green are trademarks of Jenifer Jurden, LLC. All rights reserved.

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MOTIVATION IS THE NAME OF THE JURDY LAMA GAME!  In Jurdy World, you are born to be positive! That means all Jurdys have a great attitude and a great relationship with others. They make each other smile and they are wise. The Jurdy Lama is the wisest Jurdy of all. Subscribe to get Jurdy Lama buzz stories!

Cheers! Jurdy here today to talk about how important it is to listen to what others have to say. There are three parts to listening: first is hearing the actual words, next is understanding the meaning of those words, and third is deciding what you think about what’s been said. Here’s what I do to show I‘m a good listener.

Ř     I give my full attention to the speaker by keeping good eye contact and making sure my mind does not wander and is focused on what’s being said.

Ř     I listen for the main ideas—the most important points the speaker wants to get across. I know to pay close attention to sentences that start with My point is… or The thing to remember is…, and ideas that are said more than once.

Ř     I let the speaker know I am listening by nodding my head. I then wait until the speaker is finished and repeat in my own words what I think is being said.

Ř     If I have any questions or comments, I also wait for the speaker to finish before I say anything.



Oval Callout:

Here’s the latest buzz  from the Jurdy Lama! 



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