© Jenifer Jurden, LLC 2009. Jurdy™ &Jurdy Green™ are trademarks of Jenifer Jurden, LLC. All rights reserved. |
like a cartoon? contact me if you want to use it. |
I’m looking for more cool
find any bugs in |
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Answer to home page riddle: |
How many Jurdy noses can you find on the site? They look like this |
Have a Jurdy blast with your friends with my |
d |
s |
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guess what I’m saying! |
Jurdy cartoons |
Jurdy podcast |
the Jurdy with attidude |
Jurdy Dude |
Jurdy Lama |
my e-greenings |
my wallpapers |
my “GLOG” |
Hint: it’s a statement |
My dream achiever chart. |
I’M GREEN FOOTPRINT ’N! Find all my footprints! Print this out and color in the feet as you go so you can keep track. The answer as to how many feet is at the bottom right of this page! |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
What’s my message here? GLOG ME |
Answer : # of Jurdy feet - 42 |